I was suddenly startled by a chilling scream, followed by more screams. I didn’t need to guess the reason because I work in a hospital, and my changing room is next to the waiting area of the new emergency building.
After a few minutes, the screams turned into painful moans and cries, continuing for almost half an hour. Another life was gone.
Life is short! That really hit me again as I processed the moment.
What’s even more scarier is that we don’t know how long we will live.
This made me reflect on how futile it is for people to stop talking to each other just because they do not want to let go of the past?
Everyone carries their share of hurts and misunderstandings, and I have had my own struggles too.
A few years back my sister-in-law came to stay with us for a while. My carelessness and lack of understanding of her situation caused strife in the family.
Living in the city for over a decade had made me forgot the routines of rural life. On several occasions, I failed to realize the adjustments my sister-in-law had to make.
One day, my mother-in-law called and shouted at me, using hurtful words I had never heard before. I was shocked!
I didn’t know what she meant. I woke my husband and asked him what happened, but he was also unaware.
That was the beginning. I stopped talking to my in-laws. I stopped calling them, and they didn’t try to contact me either. Bitterness and resentment grew in my heart towards them.
This marked the start of my spiritual decline. I stopped praying because I knew that if I didn’t forgive them, my prayers wouldn’t be heard. I tried hard to overcome this, but something held me back.
From someone who loved God, I became a nominal Christian. I lost interest in reading the Bible, meditating and praying. Neither do I diligently teach my children the word of God nor emphasis on the need for prayer.
One day, I realized I needed to let go. I decided to apologize to my mother-in-law personally.
Before I could do so, she became critically ill, and we couldn’t travel home due to Covid-19 lockdown.
She was admitted to a private hospital, but the doctors sent her home, saying there was no hope. All we could do was video call her. It was painful to watch. She was on oxygen and couldn’t speak, though she could hear and understands us.
I wanted to apologize in person, but I didn’t have the time anymore. I knew I would never forgive myself for not letting go sooner.
Overcoming my shame, with tears in my eyes, I told her over the video call that I was sorry and asked for her forgiveness (while everyone were around her bed and attending her). She tried to speak but no sound came from her mouth. I asked her to move her right palm if she forgave me. She then moved her right hand and nodded. Tears rolled down her cheeks. I knew I was forgiven. At that moment, I felt a great burden lifted from my heart. The guilt was gone.
The next day, she left us for her heavenly abode. I know I will meet her again and tell her how much I love her. And that I was wrong to stay angry for so long.
Talking well about someone after they’re gone doesn’t help; it makes no difference once they’re no longer here.
If you need to make amends, do it while they’re alive. Show your love while they are still there with you.
Life sometimes teaches us harsh lessons we wouldn’t learn otherwise.
I doubt there’s anyone without regrets. We all have them.
While some regrets might be mild and bearable, some are far too devastating to hold onto as they bring more misery and guilt, destroying lives.
In every circumstances, you will end up feeling guilty for the way you think or behave – for not just letting it go.
The longer you hold on to those grudges, anger and hatred, the more your will feel miserable and guilty.
My mother taught me one of the most important lessons in life – Not to bear grudges and to forgive – no matter how hurt you may be!
This is in fact, the greatest gift you can give yourself!
Life is too short to bear grudges – before you realize, you will be counting years – and before you realize – you will lost precious time which will never ever come back to you again!
Doesn’t matter if it’s your fault or theirs! No matter what the circumstances is, CHOOSE to forgive and let it go.
I’ve decided to let things go and not hold grudges. The feeling is amazing. This is freedom!
How about you?
Will you just let it go?
Time is ticking, and there’s no going back.